Today’s Generational Workforce

Let’s have a little fun today and look at the different generations in the workforce. As an added bonus let’s also check out the next incoming generation. 👶🏻

Currently there are five distinct generations in the workforce. Each has their own distinct, and sometimes subtle differences. There is even a new term (which I learned just today) Here they are:

Baby Boomers (born 1946 to 1964): Yes there are still some of us out there! This generation is known for their strong work ethic, competitive nature, and self-assurance. Boomers are generally goal-oriented and have a strong sense of individualism. They value teamwork, face-to-face communication and clear communication.

Generation X (born 1965 to 1980): Gen Xers are often described as independent, resourceful, and adaptable. They value work-life balance, personal freedom, and flexibility. This generation is known for their skepticism and questioning of authority. ❌

Millennials or Generation Y (born 1981 to 1994): Millennials are tech-savvy, collaborative, and value diversity and inclusion. They seek meaningful work, personal growth, and a positive work environment. Millennials are often characterized by their desire for constant feedback and recognition. 🥇

Zillenials (born on the cusp between Gen Z and Millennials 1990-2000): Zillenials are a micro-generation that shares some characteristics of both Millennials and Gen Z. They are ambitious, achievement-oriented, and value work-life balance. They are adept at navigating the digital world and are often considered the bridge between the two larger generations. 👩🏻‍💻

Generation Z (born 1995 to 2009): Gen Zers are digital natives who are comfortable with technology and multitasking. They value authenticity, social responsibility, and creativity. This generation is known for their entrepreneurial spirit, desire for flexibility, and a focus on mental health and well-being. 😁

What’s coming after Gen Z? Why Gen Alpha of course! Generation Alpha (born after 2010): As the children of Millennials, Gen Alpha is expected to be the most technologically advanced generation yet. They are growing up with AI, virtual reality, and other emerging technologies. As they enter the workforce in the coming years, they will most certainly bring new perspectives and expectations to the workplace.

Quite a diverse overview. Some of us may never encounter Gen Alpha, but we are all absolutely learning about differences between generations. How’s this “generational stew” working out? What sort of workplaces & cultures are being created? What are you seeing?

#zillenials #workplaceculture #workforce #careers

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