workplace culture

Today’s Generational Workforce

Let’s have a little fun today and look at the different generations in the workforce. As an added bonus let’s also check out the next incoming generation. 👶🏻 Currently there are five distinct generations in the workforce. Each has their own distinct, and sometimes subtle differences. There is even a new term (which I learned just today) Here they are: Baby Boomers (born [...]

2024-04-16T09:21:25-04:00April 16th, 2024|

Workplace Stress on the Rise

In the fast-paced world of 2024, workplace stress has become a significant challenge, affecting employees' personal lives and overall well-being. Recent studies reveal that Gen Xers are experiencing increased stress due to work pressures, leading to higher divorce rates and relationship breakdowns. Let’s look at some specific numbers generated from recent surveys. 🔍 😶 According to the American Psychological Association, 41% of workers [...]

2024-03-27T08:32:46-04:00March 27th, 2024|

Millenials in the Workplace 2024

Millennials, the generation born between 1981 and 1996, are now the largest portion of the workforce. Within five years, they will represent 75% of the global workforce according to some estimates. 😯 Yet, they're often painted with stereotypical brushes – entitled, tech-obsessed, disloyal. But are these labels truly representative? As for employers, recruiters and career coaches, understanding the real characteristics of millennials is [...]

2024-02-22T10:23:21-05:00February 22nd, 2024|

In Office vs Hybrid vs Remote

The questions continue from both sides of the desk. What is the most prevalent or trending work model? In the office, remote work and hybrid models seem locked in a tug-of-war for the future of many professional lives. All three have their ardent supporters and fierce critics, leaving employees and employers alike all scratching their heads. According to a recent survey by software [...]

2024-01-30T09:05:05-05:00January 30th, 2024|

What Makes Up a Toxic Workplace?

We are all taught to “play nice” as youngsters so I’m sure by the time we are adults we all find a way to get along at work. Right? Guess not. But are we overreacting? The term "toxic work environment" hangs heavy in the air, flung like a poisoned dart at any disagreement or frustration bubbling beneath the surface. But has this potent [...]

2024-01-16T09:19:01-05:00January 16th, 2024|

What is the Cost of a Bad Hire?

So what is the cost of a bad hire? Is it just a matter of losing time or is it a matter of losing money as well? Let's talk cold, hard facts. Think a bad hire is just a resume misfire? Think again! According to, they can cost up to 30% of their first-year salary, and that's just the tip of the [...]

2024-01-04T10:07:15-05:00January 4th, 2024|

Unconscious Interview Bias

Imagine this: two equally qualified candidates walk into your office for the same job. One nails the interview, leaving you convinced they're perfect. The other, despite strong skills and experience, falls short. But why? Gut feel or something specific? The culprit might be hiding in plain sight – unconscious bias. It's the monster under the interview table, influencing our decisions without us even [...]

2024-01-03T08:11:12-05:00January 3rd, 2024|

2023 Christmas Shopping By The Numbers

As the Christmas weekend approaches, how many of us take a “deadline oriented” approach? Waiting until Saturday or Sunday to finish shopping? 🎅🏻🎄If so - what can you expect in the stores and malls? 🛒Let’s look at some recent numbers as reported by CPA Practice Advisor and NRF: 🛒📈 Brace yourselves - a staggering 142 million U.S. shoppers are expected to hit the [...]

2023-12-20T09:25:54-05:00December 20th, 2023|

Popular Holiday Music

It’s that time of year when we all have merry holiday tunes ringing in our minds and ears. 🎶🎄Each year brings many of the same old traditional songs, but pop singers cut popular covers & originals as well. 🎁 As you’re driving around or wandering the malls listening to these tunes, ever wonder which are the most popular? In the pop vs. traditional [...]

2023-12-19T08:45:12-05:00December 19th, 2023|

Tech Layoffs 2022 & 2023

The tech industry has seen a dramatic increase in layoffs in recent years. In 2022, according to Crunchbase, over 93,000 tech jobs were cut. This year (2023), depending upon your source, that number has skyrocketed to anywhere from almost 189,000 (Crunchbase) to 248,000 (! Whichever number you choose, that’s quite an increase and it makes one wonder what 2024 has in store. 📩 [...]

2023-12-11T09:25:53-05:00December 11th, 2023|
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