How is your job/career search going? Noticing things are a little tighter than they have been the last few years? Over the last few years job seekers have had to deal with the conundrum of multiple offers. Now, however, they are having to deal with different levels of rejection.

The interview process takes time and it is a process. It’s important to keep a perspective while you’re moving down the path of this journey.

Mindset is important here. Here’s the truth: rejection is not a reflection of your worth. It simply signifies that this particular opportunity wasn’t the perfect fit at this moment. Remember, even the most successful professionals encounter setbacks. In fact, a Forbes study revealed that 72% of job seekers experience rejection during their search.

So, how do we move forward with resilience and maintain a positive mindset?

1. Reframe Your Perspective: Instead of viewing rejection as a personal failure, see it as valuable feedback. Analyze the interview and identify areas for improvement. Did you stumble on a specific question? Could your communication be more concise? Use this information to refine your skills for future opportunities.

2. Build on Your Victories: Job hunting is a marathon, not a sprint. Acknowledge your achievements, big and small! Did you land an interview? Great – if you used a unique approach, add that to your toolkit. Did you deliver a confident answer? Applaud yourself! Recognizing your progress fuels motivation and keeps you moving forward.

3. Embrace Continuous Learning: The best way to combat rejection is to constantly invest in yourself by refining your approach. You’re not a professional interviewer, so if the odds of your approach being perfect from day one are low. Expanding your knowledge and building your network opens doors to new possibilities.

4. Seek Support: Don’t bottle up your emotions! Talk to a trusted friend, mentor, or career coach. Sharing your frustrations & experiences and seeking guidance can provide valuable perspective and emotional support.

Remember, the interview process is business not personal. Don’t let rejection dent your self-image. By keeping a positive mindset, learning from setbacks, and building on wins, you’ll emerge from each experience stronger and more prepared to land your that ideal job when you see it.

Drop me a note for some interview process coaching or you’re considering exploring new opportunities. An outside perspective is sometimes all it takes to get back on the right track and get the process moving!

#cpacareers #jobsearch #financialrecruiting #mindset #rejection #growth #careercoach

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