Are There Keywords for Interviews?

We’ve all seen and heard about keywords and phrases one should use on their resume to get noticed. By HR and by TAS/TMS. How about once you’ve cleared that gate and are in an interview? Are there phrases one can incorporate to get noticed? Or how about phrases to avoid? Turns out there are.

You’re headed to your interview and emotions are running a bit high. You want to stand out, but recycled platitudes like “I’m a team player” or “I’m eager to learn” are about as impactful as paper confetti. So, how do you impress hiring managers without resorting to clichés? Ditch the “old & tired” and use impactful phrases that showcase your unique strengths and genuine interest.

💡 Quantify Your Value: Don’t just tell them you’re “results oriented.” Show them! Instead of saying “I increased sales,” try “My data-driven marketing campaign led to a 15% increase in conversions.” Numbers speak volumes, demonstrating your ability to translate skills into concrete results.

💡 Ask Proactive Questions: Forget the generic “Do you have any questions for me?” Instead, delve deeper. “Given your current challenges in X area, I have some ideas, but how do you see my skills contributing to a solution?” This demonstrates your initiative, critical thinking, and genuine interest in the company’s needs.

💡 Highlight Transferable Skills: Don’t limit yourself to experiences directly related to the role. If you led a volunteer club or group project, tell them how the leadership and project management skills you honed translate to the job. Emphasize transferable skills that showcase your adaptability and growth mindset.

💡 Share a Relevant Anecdote: Bring your story to life with a concise, impactful anecdote. Briefly describe a situation where you faced a challenge, leveraged your skills, and achieved a positive outcome. This authentically paints a picture of your problem-solving abilities and resilience.

💡Showcase Passion and Curiosity: Beyond technical skills, hiring managers crave passion. Go beyond your prepared answers and express genuine enthusiasm for the company’s mission. Ask questions about their future plans, industry trends, or specific projects you find exciting. This showcases your intellectual curiosity and potential fit within the company culture.

Bonus Tip: Remember the 7/38/55 rule. Effective communication is only 7% of what you say and 38% your tone of voice. Body language (55%) and authenticity matter! Speak confidently, maintain eye contact, and let your genuine enthusiasm shine through.

By ditching the clichés and embracing these impactful phrases, you’ll go beyond simply ticking boxes in an interview. You’ll showcase your unique strengths, passion, and potential, leaving a lasting impression on hiring managers and setting yourself apart from the pack.

#JobInterviewTips #StandOutCandidate #ProfessionalDevelopment #CareerAdvice #cpacareers #careercoach

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