Interviews & Punctuality

How important is punctuality when it comes to arriving for interviews and following up with potential employers? Super important if you ask me. After digging around I found that being on time seems to be more complex than I could ever have imagined.

When I was growing up, Mom had all our clocks 5 minutes fast to help motivate us to be on time. My coaches (almost to a man) always said – “If you’re not 10 minutes early, you’re late”.  ⏰ I think that mindset has gone away (sadly).  🕒 Almost to the point that 10 minutes late is considered on time. This change may be influenced by various factors, including personal theories on time management, cultural norms, and individual experiences.

One theory suggests that people can be divided into “clock timers” ⏳ and “event timers.” 🎟️ Clock timers strictly adhere to scheduled times, prioritizing punctuality above all else. On the other hand, event timers focus more on the completion of tasks, often disregarding strict adherence to clock times. Playing this out, clock timers more likely to be early and event timers more likely to run late.

Ready for a new concept? Time Blindness. The concept of “time blindness” 👀 has gained traction, especially among younger generations like Gen Z, who are often associated with a more relaxed approach to time management. This phenomenon, as explored in a TikTok trend, highlights the challenges some people face in accurately perceiving time and adhering to traditional punctuality standards.

Further, the notion of “deadline orientation” 📅 comes into play, emphasizing the importance of meeting deadlines over being early. This approach may lead to a more relaxed attitude towards punctuality, with individuals prioritizing the completion of tasks over the strict adherence to clock times.

All this stuff is academically interesting to consider. But I’ve got a solid idea that will never fail you. If you’ve got an important interview, meeting, or event, out of respect to everyone participating, show up in plenty of time. Whether it’s Mom’s 5 minutes or Coach’s 10 minutes early, arrive early & prepared! Showing up late is not the way to make a good impression – first or otherwise.
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